Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013

FATE is playing a bloody Game

Fateplay is having an awesome Halloween Release: http://blog.damienfate.com/?p=1382 For Guys and Gals. I am showing the Girls Edition here, sorry i cannot afford the guys set right now. Of course there are different colours available and each colour includes a tool and matching poses. You can all Tools, masks and poses buy in an extra pack aswell.

Starting with Veronica - Vorhees Bloody (clean Version below)

Other Credits

Rob Suit by FATEwear
Both hairstyles with Beanie Halloween gifts by Argrace
Inkubus Skin on him Group gift by Akeruka
Hayden - Bloody ghost Skin by Pixy Stix for Horrorfest
Rebirth - Fire eyes NEW by Banana Banshee
Victim 3 pose Gacha item by Infinity for Horrorfest
Garage not any longer available

Veronica - Chapman clean

Other Credits

Skin Group gift by Akeruka
Rebirth - Fire eyes NEW by Banana Banshee
Harley hair NEW by TRUTH
ESCAPE?! poseprop by HopScotch


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